In this course the student will investigate the New Testament in order to see the Kabbalistic context within its pages. From the Gospels to Revelation, the student will actively search within the text if and where the kabbalistic influence exsists.
- Professor: WilliamsDr. Conny
In this study the student will become familiarized with the great Midrash Rabba, Volume 1 from Artscroll. This study is on the Drash level of Inerpretation. The student will also become familiar with the technique of how this was studied in the 1st century and by extention is still studied this way. The student will learn not only how to study this awesome text but also the content and discussions the Rabbi's had during the study. Seeing the Holy Scriptures thru the eyes of its original audience and how we can relate to it today.
- Professor: WilliamsDr. Conny