A. What Does the Word "God" Mean?
The word God, one who is worshiped, is a title men use to describe the Supreme Being. He is wise enough, able enough, and strong enough to create and maintain all things (De.4:39; Is.44:6).
B. Can We Understand God?
Yes. God does not hide from His creation in high and holy places. He made Himself a physical part of the creation and provision to dwell within His creation. He dwells in the bodies of men (Je.9:24; Ac.17:24,25,27,28).
The Judeo-Christian view is that the physical world declares God's glory and creative power (Ps.148:3-5; Ro.1:18-20). The view of many unbelievers is that creation itself is a Divine entity (De.4:19; 2Kg.23:5) with a force that controls human destiny (Is.47:13). Others believe it came about by chance. The true Believer rejects these views, accepts the Scriptural revelation about the universe, and is thus moved to praise the Maker.

- Professor: OakleyDr. Elizabeth